The Project Manager

Become a complete Project Manager with these essential leadership skills


Course No: SSTHPM
Duration: 2 Days
Credits: 16 PDUs

Decent experience in Project Management
Course Level

Intermediate to Advanced
Course Overview
This course is one of its kind training that covers each and every professional soft-skills and leadership trait that a Project Manager must cultivate in order to be truly effective, be successful as a leader as well as motivate team to rise to the challenge of the project at hand. All of these skills can be acquired and this training does just that. Over the past several decades, the focus for both project and program managers has been simply to manage. In today’s environment, project and program managers are increasingly called upon to be both effective managers and leaders. However, management and leadership are two distinctly different areas of expertise. Knowing the difference between management and leadership, as well as how and when to switch between the two, is more crucial than ever to sustaining profitable business change. This one of a kind engagement is replete with concepts, case studies, scenarios and role play to ensure that the importance and the effectiveness of these leadership and soft – skills that would make one a complete and practically effective project manager. Some of the salient features of this engagement are as under: -
  • One of its kind training in the country today
  • Understand and master the behavioral skills, management styles and the leadership skills that would spell the difference between “A successful Project Manager” And “Just Another Project Manager With All The Qualifications And experience”
  • The training captures the most practical practices for Project Managers in this part of the world and suiting to the unique organizational culture that is prevalent in this part of the world
  • Training has been created keeping in mind that not all the famous theories would fit in seamlessly in this part of the world
  • Understand and master the art of being happy at work and radiating this positive vibes to others around you
  • Recognize the special challenges thrown at a Project Manager due to the temporary nature of the project itself and helps you cultivate the necessary behavioral skills to face these challenges
  • Help create a stress free environment around yourself and your team
  • Understand exactly what is expected out of you by different parties to the project and exactly how to meet those varied expectations
Who should attend?
  • Project and program managers
  • Project Management Office personnel
  • Business stakeholders with various roles in a project and/or program
Performance Focus
Developing your leadership skills and abilities in both traditional and virtual settings will result in improved team performance, as well as increased stakeholder engagement and commitment. The focus of this course includes learning to communicate with and manage stakeholders more effectively, raise team morale and increase clarity around the business value contribution of various members of your project team.
What You Will Learn
  • Clearly recognize and describe the differences between leadership and
  • Effectively communicate organizational mission, vision, goals and objectives
  • Understand proven rules of leadership and know which are appropriate in various realworld situations
  • Classify, analyze and practice proven types and styles of leadership
  • Identify what leaders really do
  • Understand and know when to utilize key “L” competencies
  • Review and evaluate leadership within the context of project and program management
  • Explore the key aspects of leadership and communication regarding stakeholder relationship management
Training Content and Basic Outline of the course

Foundation Concepts

  • Opening ice-breaker game based exercise
  • Traits that make up a successful Project Manager
  • Leadership and management defined (or redefined)
  • The real and significant differences
  • Situational leadership application
  • The synergistic overlap
  • Role play exercise
  • Difference between a successful PM and a good PM


Management And Leadership (You need both.) 

Challenges That You Face In A Project Environment 

Challenges Others Face In A Project Environment Around You 

Some Little Known Facts Of Famous Managers And Leaders 

The Hats You Wear. Do You Switch Them Often? 

Communication In A Projectized Environment 

Motivating (Yourself And Others) In A Projectized Environment 

Organizational Culture, Organizational Politics, Your Seniors And You 

What You Think You Are V/s What You Are Perceived As 

The Fine Art Of Understanding And Resolving Conflicts



Team Building In A Projectized Organization 

Negotiation- You Can / Should Negotiate Everything

Resonance And Resolve When Everything Starts Going South In A Project? 

Being Ethical And Being Smart And Ethical 

Mentoring And Coaching 

Power Equations, Rat Race And You 

Stakeholder Management Tips 

Your Personal Life And Your Mental Balance 

Appraisal, Feedback, Lemon And You 

What Is Your Management Style? (The Consistency Trick Using Timed Inconsistency) 

Handling And Mastering The Grapevine 

Leadership – It’s Not Just At Work Place

Recap and engagement closure