Process Creation And Process Re-Engineering

Process Creation And Process Re-Engineering


Why Project Management Process Creation And Re-Engineering?

  • Project Management in any organization requires very practical processes in place that are meaningful to the employees as well as give value to the customers. The processes provide consistency.
  • However in may organizations some processes do not exist. In some organizations processes exist but are not followed by employees as they are deemed difficult or “out of time”. In Some organizations there are general processes that end up encompassing more the one set of processes and hence are too generic to give the organization any specific benefits.
  • Apart from the above there are processes that are never measured and or re-assessed due to change in volumes and change in business.
  • Some organizations have processes that are too manual and hence end up wasting time of the employees and reducing the overall “Time to Market”. Hence a tool may need to be added to the processes to automate some portions of them and also to increase speed and accuracy of data that is being captured or processed.
  • Project Management is an ever changing field and hence the organizations must keep up with the right processes and practical set of processes to keep on doing better and keep on gaining more market and also be flexible enough to accommodate changes and adoptions of new technology.
  • Its important that the organizations have the processes that suite “Them”. Its not necessary that processes that work for others would also work for you. Each organization has its own challenges and uniqueness and they need to be addressed while creating or re-engineering processes.

Process Creation Approach

  • The need for the process creation could be because of one or more of the following reasons: -
  • PM-Pulse has conducted a Project Management Assessment for you and as a result (among other things) it has come to light that some specific processes need creation.
  • A specific request from the client or the process owner because of any of the following reasons: -
  • Creation of a new division or a new business unit or a new department
  • Because of a government regulation
  • Adherence to some standards
  • Moving towards a more structured management approach
  • To take on the competition
  • Business expansion
  • Because of a detailed requirements study done by PM-Pulse for the specific purpose.
  • A pain area suggested from within the organization  

Steps For “New Process Creation”

  • A specific proposal would be sent for the purpose clearly scoping out the “New Process Creation” and the work that would be done by PM-Pulse in that regard. This would also clearly mention the work that would be done by PM-Pulse and the work that would NOT be done by PM-Pulse so that there is no doubts left pertaining to the terms of engagement
  • Post the acceptance of the proposal a short study would be done to understand and “Benchmark” the performance that would be expected once the process is created and implemented.  (The concept of benchmark is not applicable to every circumstance).
  • Post “Benchmarking” a detailed schedule would be shared with the client clearly showing the Roles and responsibilities and the approach involved in process creation.
  • The “New Process” would be created and tested in a controlled group (also called a “Pilot”) to ensure that the expected benchmark is met or to what extent its met. And tweak the process as required.
  • The “Key Stakeholders” would be trained on the new process and tested on their understanding to eliminate or minimize the chances of rejection from people or failure of process from human misunderstanding or resistance.
  • The “New Process” would be officially rolled out.
  • After a decided waiting period an assessment of the process would be done against the benchmark and based on the outcome the next steps would be decided.

Process Re-engineering Approach

  • The need for the process creation could be because of one or more of the following reasons: -
  • PM-Pulse has conducted a Project Management Assessment for you and as a result (among other things) it has come to light that some specific processes need re-engineering.
  • A specific request from the client or the process owner because of any of the following reasons: -
    • Creation of a new division or a new business unit or a new department
    • Because of a government regulation
    • Adherence to some standards
    • Moving towards a more structured management approach
    • To take on the competition
    • Business expansion
    • To further streamline the process
  • Because of a detailed requirements study done by PM-Pulse for the specific purpose.
  • A pain area suggested from within the organization  

Steps For “Process Re-engineering”


  • A specific proposal would be sent for the purpose clearly scoping out the “Specific process or processes to be Re-engineered” and the work that would be done by PM-Pulse in that regard. This would also clearly mention the work that would be done by PM-Pulse and the work that would NOT be done by PM-Pulse so that there is no doubts left pertaining to the terms of engagement
  • Post the acceptance of the proposal a short study would be done to understand and “as-is Benchmark vs To-be Benchmark”.  (The concept of benchmark is not applicable to every circumstance).
  • Post “Benchmarking” a detailed schedule would be shared with the client clearly showing the Roles and responsibilities and the approach involved in process / processes re-engineering
  • The “re-engineered process” would be done and tested in a controlled group (also called a “Pilot”) to ensure that the expected benchmark is met or to what extent its met. And tweak the process as required.
  • The “Key Stakeholders” would be trained on the re-engineered process and tested on their understanding to eliminate or minimize the chances of rejection from people or failure of process from human misunderstanding or resistance.
  • The “Re-engineered Process” would be officially rolled out.
  • After a decided waiting period an assessment of the process would be done against the benchmark and based on the outcome the next steps would be decided.