Assessment Of PM Maturity

PM-Pulse Project Management Maturity Assessment


Why The Project Management Maturity Assessment?

When organizations want to embark upon very large and complex projects or they need to have more projects or programs, they are usually not aware as to what is their “Realistic Project Management Capacity or Maturity.” In absence of such information the initiative to take on more projects and or more complex projects and programs just adds to more loss of capital and wasted resources, chaos and breakdown of communication across the organization.

When organizations want to conduct Project Management Trainings or Project Skills improvement, this exercise may also fall short of expectations if the organization is not aware of their existing Project Management Maturity and exactly where is that they need to focus to reach a certain organizational project maturity.

There are times when organizations invest in a very expensive project management enterprise tool, its rolled out and people are even trained on it, but it still fails to deliver the promised objectives. This is because the organization did not really find out their exact weakness or if their organization is even ready to accept an enterprise tool.

When organizations simply adopt certain methodologies (Like Agile) without taking into account their organization structure, cultural nuances, existing maturity of the processes, reporting systems, skills of the project managers and the project leaders and above all the domain they are involved in, this initiative of new methodology usually fails and this failure also leads to a lot of de-motivation and loss of capital.

About The Assessment

Just like a physical from a doctor you trust, the PM-Pulse Project Management Maturity Assessment (P2MA) diagnoses the health of project management in your organization. It identifies strategic strengths and weaknesses and then creates a prescriptive action plan for improving the health of your PM efforts. It allows you to objectively assess your project management capabilities against key knowledge areas of the PMBOK® Guide.

This assessment is a comprehensive assessment which takes into account every dimension of Project Management in your organization, like:

  • Culture
  • Organization Structure
  • Percentage of Projects Vs Operations
  • Existing Processes Preparedness
  • Existing Practical Skills Of The Project Managers and Project Professionals
  • Existing tools (both invested in vs actually used)
  • Career path
  • Domain of the name just a few.

This is not a completely standard assessment. This assessment itself gets altered based on the domain, business line, no. of projects being undertaken etc., of the organization that is being assessed.

Through this assessment the organization comes to know exactly where they stand as of today compared to the “Global Benchmarks In Project Management”, do they need to improve at all in the near future, what are their weak areas, what level they should target next, what tools they need to implement, what skill sets do the people in the organizations to get trained on, which specific processes do they need to focus on, what kind of projects should they concentrate on currently.

This assessment is very much like the complete “Tests and Diagnostics” that people conduct regularly for their body, except this is for the entire Project Management part of the Organization.

If we do not know where we are today, we will not be able to get where we want to reach.

Assessment Advantages

Get answers to strategically important questions
How effective are PM efforts in our organization?
How well has PM been integrated into our business?
Is PM a competitive strategy for higher quality & greater customer satisfaction?
Are we using the right methods and tools?
Is there a homogeneous approach to PM in our organization?
What should we do to advance to higher levels of PM maturity?
Have we reached levels of PM maturity that are competitive in the marketplace?
Close the gap between you and the competition.
Use the P2MA to become more competitive.
Get an instant and objective analysis of your organization’s strengths and weaknesses as they relate to each level of the PM maturity model.
Scoring provides accurate comparison with objective industry standards
The assessment is fully aligned with the PMBOK® Guide
Helps you recognize your competitive strengths & weaknesses
Identifies goals to feed into your organization’s strategic planning for project management

Assessment Approach

In the P2MA model the following phases are undertaken: -
Establishing The Need For Assessment
Identifying The Key Stakeholders
Identifying The Specific Project Documentation
Initial Rounds of Interview and pre-assessment questionnaire
Designing of the “P2MA” for your specific organization
Conducting the P2MA and Conducting Analysis of Results
De-briefing the results with the Key Stakeholders
Formulation of the “Next Step” Action Plan