Watch this video to check out our philosophy of training. Just how interactive is our session even though it is online. Most participants comment that they did not even feel that they were on a virtual training, it seemed live to them. This is the reason these sessions are called LiveWire. Our full calendar is provided in this website under the menu of "Workshops".     
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Speaking is not the same as communicating. Communicating takes effort to ensure that the receiver of the message understands the message as it was intended to by the Sender of the message. Not every message needs to be communicated. Watch this video to understand the intricacies of Communicating vis-a-vis., Speaking. Remember Speaking is just like Broadcasting. Do Comment and Share this video with others.     
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Professionals tend to be confused about the difference between the terms "Knowledge And Skills" and whats more, most people end up using them interchangeably. Knowing the difference between the two is crucial for building your team, hiring the correct resources and also charting your own strengths to navigate your career. Watch this video to ensure that you have a proper understanding. Do leave a comment and also share this video with others.     
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This video explains the difference between "Plans" and "Documents" practically and effectively. Watch this video to fully understand how easy it is to differentiate between the two. Do share this video as well as leave a comment.     
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This video explains with practical examples, the exact difference between Defects and Bugs / Errors. The quality world is full of confusion on this rather straight forward topic. Knowing the exact difference between these terms are important for ensuring that your work is completely aligned towards Customers. Do share this video with others and do leave a comment.     
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Risk Management is usually taken as an academic necessity for just finishing the paperwork just so that no one issues them "Non - compliant Certificate". This attitude towards risk defeats the very reason why it is an integral part of Project Management. In this video I have put forth the "FOUNDATIONAL Reason" behind Risk Management and why it is practically important for real world project management. Do share with others and leave a comment as well.     
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These are the most common Risk Management Terms that people get confused about. I have created this video to practically explain these concepts to you that are easy to understand and retain. Do share the video if you like and do leave a comment.     
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There is a lot of garbage out there on PMP preparation. This video has been created solely to prevent participants from being misguided while preparing for ITTOs. Watch the full video. And do leave a comment.     
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Person / OnVue has started recently with the facility of attempting PMP Exams from Home. This is a boon to many who are finding it hard to visit the examination center. However, with every good things, there are some trade-offs. In this video I have provided every possible thing you must take into account before opting for this facility. Watch this video completely to understand what is in store for you and what to watch out for.     
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Since the last decade or so the Project Management as a discipline has been gaining importance and will continue to do so even more so, in the foreseeable future. Watch this video to understand completely why it is so. However, there are some barriers on the way as well, which have also been discussed towards the end of this video. Do not forget to comment.     
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Schedule is by far the biggest reason for conflicts in project environment around the planet. I learned it the hard way and never ever forgot it since. Here is a story about how people react when you do not involve them in Scheduling and just hand-over a pre-prepared scheduled to the team. Category      1 Comments
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Different professionals and organizations tend to have different meanings of the term "Program" and this difference in understanding leads to "Difference in Planning and Execution". This is a huge problem. In this video I clarify the exact meaning of the term "Program" from a "Real World' perspective so that professionals understand what exactly is a "Program" and hence everything associated with programs.      1 Comments
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The productivity of the team, and hence the rest of the organization, goes up once the Managers and Project Managers adopt and enforce the culture of leaving on time. A lot of people feel that aggressive schedule can only be met using "Extended day" for the team members. This is mostly not true. Barring "Emergency" situations, this habit of "Working Late in Office" is one of the most counterproductive habit, if not outright dangerous. Understand the logical reason why the "culture of leaving on time" mostly produces "Win-Win" Situation.     
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One of the biggest challenges facing the IT world (even more now as IT world increasingly adopts the Agile Methodologies) is the fact that hardly any organization does "Software Sizing". Almost all organizations just use "Effort Estimation" and mistakenly confuse it with the "Project Size". Understand the difference between Software Sizing and Effort Estimation and thus understand how devastating it is for the Projects in particular and the IT Organization in general.     
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There is a big difference between "Organizational Politics" and "Manipulations". Being politically aware is a good and necessary thing. Its part of your leadership skills. However when in the guise of Politics you end up conducting Manipulation, that is a bad or deplorable thing. Hence knowing the difference between the two would mean the difference between "Doing your job" and "Being unethical".     
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Intercultural issues is one of the largest hurdles facing global teams, virtual or otherwise. The biggest problem is that people do not understand the "foundations" of cultural acceptance. In this video an attempt is made to introduce and clarify the "Foundation" pillar for CULTURAL ACCEPTANCE, leading to enhanced productivity and quality of life.     
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This is a recurring problem where a younger project professional's efforts in project planning are thwarted by the "Old-Timer" Senior Managers. This video tries to answer this frustrating question as to "Why do the older managers just do not understand about effective planning in Projects?     
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As Usual PM Raw dispels all myths around the (most abused term) concept of "LEADERSHIP". What it truly means and what it actually entails from a real world perspective. This is done by comparing the term "Leadership" with "Managerialship". You will be surprised to know the true meaning of this term and how any one of us can acquire this skill and become a lot more effective in the real world. This video also dispels the amazingly stupid "Romance" unnecessarily and excessively created around the term "Leadership", globally.     
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Video explaining the difference between PROJECTS and OPERATIONS and immense practical relevance of knowing the difference between the two in the real world.     
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A raw "no-nonsense" video on the real reason why Project Management has been gaining importance since the last decade and will continue to garner even more importance in the times to come.     
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One of the biggest reason why projects fail is because of difference in understanding project management terms and the excessive use of Jargons in workplace. Know the difference between "Standard Terms" and "Jargons" and also, the Reason why you should NEVER use Jargons.     
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After conducting a full round of "Nelson Mandela Feedback Chain", Maneesh Vijaya provided a detailed debrief to the participants from 4 different countries. The result from the participants was instantaneous accolades. Our sessions link everything with reality and make you effective in the "Real World" and not just in the class-room.     
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Maneesh Vijaya has authored a book on PMP that is by far the most interesting and comprehensive book on PMBOK Guide, ever. This book clarifies all the aspects in such a way that they are easy to understand and hard to forget. Unlike the other boring book, this book has over 800 hand-drawn illustrations and tons of examples. A book that is hard to put down. Your best bet for PMP Exams.     
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It is very disheartening to see so many books and training that simply ask PMP Candidates to "Cram" or "Mug Up" concepts. This approach is not only painful but also error prone. At PM-Pulse we do it differently. We explain the concept so well that you find it very easy to remember and recall. Its about understanding and logic. Watch this video to see how we train.     
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PM Dhwani the Audio platform on Project Management is currently loaded with 129 Crystal Clear Audios that cover every possible aspects of PMP based on PMBOK Guide 6th Edition. This platform, that works on cell phones as well, allows to listen to and revise the PMP Preparation Material any time and anywhere and contains the most authentic material on PMP anywhere.     
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Any training from PM-Pulse are highly interactive and involving. Check this video out to see for yourself.     
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PM-Pulse is dedicated to explain each of the concepts practically, clearly and in such a manner that participants never forget. Imagine an entire session where each and every Project Management concept are explained in such a manner. Just imagine the amount of knowledge and confidence that you will walk out with.     
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The PMBOK Guide 6th Edition by PMI was launched on September 6th, 2017. Here are some of the broad level changes that have been inculcated in this new version of PMBOK.     
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Risk Management - Let us understand exactly what are "Project Risks".     
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