PM-Pulse is a Global Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.) with the Project Management Insititute (PMI)® of USA. PM-Pulse provides over 50+ engagements and trainings connected to the fascinating world of "Project Management". All the trainers and mentors at PM-Pulse are passionate about this field and are persons who have actually worked in the real world projects and been very successful doing that. Hence its not just "Theory" that we talk about ....we know how ...exactly....."Project Management" every kind of Industry or domain.

How / Why did we start?

In the month of May of 2006 just around my daughter's 5th birthday I resigned from a rather plum job to start a consulting of my own with two clear objectives.

  • To Spend more time with my daughter.
  • To provide practically relevant and meaningfull training / consulting that deliver on content, style, as well as real knowledge transfer.
Idea Behind PM-Pulse

 The principles on which PM-Pulse was founded are as under:

  • PM-Pulse( the very Pulse of Project Management) was established and its main objectives were:-
  • To be the single stop for every possible consulting or training need on Project Management
  • To provide "Real World" consulting and training to professionals from just about any domain
  • To have the very best content on whatever PM Pulse trains on
  • To be unlike most training organizations who have trainers who do trainings because they could NOT do anything else we have trainers who are very successful in Jobs, Projects and Consulting using the very principles we preach others
  • To be the final word in all terms / tools / techniques for just about anything in Project Management in every conceivable domain
  • To cut the useless jargons and get to the real purpose and descipline of Project Management
  • To conduct research and studies on chosen sub-desciplines of Project Management
  • To become the leading mentor and coach of select professionals worldwide to coach and mentor them into great Project Management professionals and practitioners