With the success of my weekly free webinar called “Webinar-Wednesday”, a lot of participants started suggesting that I should cover “One” major topic in Project Management and charge for it.
Thus was born the PMP-Clinic.
Herein below, is the PMP Clinic Schedule and roaster of topics.
See which ones you like and register for the same.
But please register in advance to ensure you get a spot. Only limited spots.
1.   003 - Gateway Notes To All Interpersonal Questions
Date : 04 Jul 2021
Duration : 2 hrs
Time : IST 18:00
Fees : $ 10

With nearly 50% of all the PMP 2021 Questions around INTERPERSONAL SKILLs, acing them is crucial for being successful in PMP 2021. These interpersonal questions are now based on various methodologies including predictive and agile methodologies. This makes these questions rather difficult to solve for most PMP Candidates who are not able to understand the methodology to which the question is applicable.

In this PMP Clinic you will be provided the most carefully drafted sets of notes and rules that will help you answer all Interpersonal questions with ease.


  • List of processes from where Interpersonal questions are mostly coming from.
  • How to ascertain which methodology the question is talking about
  • Standard blanket rules for various interpersonal situations
  • Crucial notes for acing interpersonal skills questions
  • Sample PMP 2021 Questions on these topics for review and examples.
  • End of PMP Clinic – Recap


  • Explanation such that it would be hard for you to forget
  • Focus on “Understanding” and not “Mugging Up”.
  • Complete and comprehensive coverage
  • Approach to answering PMP Questions explained
  • PMP Experts since 2007
  • 26,800 Certified through us

Join this PMP Clinic and experience what real “Mentoring” is all about


Like it? Click on this link to register for this episode of PMP-Clinic

2.   004 - 50 Guided Questions - Agile
Date : 10 Jul 2021
Duration : 2 hrs
Time : IST 18:00
Fees : $ 10

This episode of PMP Clinic covers 50 tough and very PMP 2021 like questions and all of them on Agile. Agile makes up nearly 40% of all PMP Questions. Some of these are even interpersonal questions. To understand how to handle tough Agile based questions, join this webinar to understand exactly how to decipher and answer Agile questions that show up on PMP Exams.

Each question has been guided through with explanations of the correct answer as well as the explanations for why the other options are not the correct answer.


  • Introduction to various types of agile questions
  • What to watch out for in scenario questions
  • Ascertain when to assume the question is talking about Agile.
  • Guided answers for each of the 50 Questions
  • Explanation on why the other options are not the correct answers
  • 5 Minute short break
  • End of PMP Clinic – Tips & Tricks


  • Explanation such that it would be hard for you to forget
  • Focus on “Understanding” and not “Mugging Up”.
  • Complete and comprehensive coverage
  • Approach to answering PMP Questions explained
  • PMP Experts since 2007
  • 26,800 Certified through us

Join this PMP Clinic and experience what real “Mentoring” is all about


Like it? Click on this link to register for this episode of PMP-Clinic

3.   005 - Most Important Tools And Charts Of PMP 2021
Date : 11 Jul 2021
Duration : 2 hrs
Time : IST 18:00
Fees : $ 10

With the start of PMP 2021 Exams there is a huge shift in the focus on which tools and charts are more popular in exams. This episode of PMP Clinic, discusses and explains each of the most popular tools and charts (all methodologies) that are very popular in PMP Exams. Many candidates find several tools like Comparative Ranking, Focus Groups, Moscowand charts like Kano Model, Kanban, Burndown and control charts difficult and hence do not do well in questions around them. Tools and Charts are generally very popular among the PMP 2021 Exams and their understanding is crucial for acing PMP exams. This is the reason for this episode of PMP Clinic.


  • Most important tools explained
  • Most important and popular charts explained
  • Interpersonal tools and charts explained
  • Specific notes around each tools and charts
  • Sample PMP 2021 questions on some of them
  • End of PMP Clinic – Recap.


  • Explanation such that it would be hard for you to forget
  • Focus on “Understanding” and not “Mugging Up”.
  • Complete and comprehensive coverage
  • Understanding and not theory
  • Approach to answering PMP Questions explained
  • PMP Experts since 2007
  • 26,800 Certified through us

Join this PMP Clinic and experience what real “Mentoring” is all about


Like it? Click on this link to register for this episode of PMP-Clinic

4.   006 - 50 Guided Questions - Interpersonal
Date : 17 Jul 2021
Duration : 2 hrs
Time : IST 18:00
Fees : $ 10

With nearly 50% of all the PMP 2021 Questions around INTERPERSONAL SKILLs, acing them is crucial for being successful in PMP 2021. These interpersonal questions are now based on various methodologies including predictive and agile methodologies. This makes these questions rather difficult to solve for most PMP Candidates who are not able to understand the methodology to which the question is applicable.

In this episode of PMP Clinic you will get to experience 50 tough and very PMP 2021 like questions around all aspects of Interpersonal Questions. Each of the questions would be explained in great details for you to understand the process of selecting the correct answer under different situations.


  • Introduction to various types of Interpersonal questions
  • What to watch out for in scenario questions
  • Ascertain when to assume the question is talking about Agile or predictive.
  • Guided answers for each of the 50 Questions
  • Explanation on why the other options are not the correct answers
  • 5 Minute short break
  • End of PMP Clinic – Tips & Tricks


  • Explanation such that it would be hard for you to forget
  • Focus on “Understanding” and not “Mugging Up”.
  • Complete and comprehensive coverage
  • Approach to answering PMP Questions explained
  • PMP Experts since 2007
  • 26,800 Certified through us

Join this PMP Clinic and experience what real “Mentoring” is all about.


Like it? Click on this link to register for this episode of PMP-Clinic

5.   007 - Master Contracts (PMP 2021)
Date : 18 Jul 2021
Duration : 2 hrs
Time : IST 18:00
Fees : $ 10

Most of the questions on Procurement are around the topic of Contracts. Most of the PMP Candidates are found to be seriously lacking on the knowledge and understanding on Contracts. This is because most trainings, videos and books on the subject of Procurement management for PMP, are half-baked. The numbers of questions that refer to concepts of Contracts and its types can easily cross 20 in a single PMP 2021 Exams. If you feel that you are not entirely sure about Contracts and concepts around this topic, just join this webinar and understand things in such a manner that would become hard to forget.


  • Procurement Management Overview
  • Contracts Explained Comprehensively
  • Quiz on Contract types to validate knowledge
  • Some PMP Questions on these topics and how to approach them
  • End of PMP Clinic – Tips & Tricks and Ninja Notes


  • Explanation such that it would be hard for you to forget
  • Focus on “Understanding” and not “Mugging Up”.
  • Complete and comprehensive coverage
  • Approach to answering PMP Questions explained
  • PMP Experts since 2007
  • 26,800 Certified through us

Join this PMP Clinic and experience what real “Mentoring” is all about.


Like it? Click on this link to register for this episode of PMP-Clinic

6.   008 - 50 Guided Questions - Qualitative & Quantitative
Date : 25 Jul 2021
Duration : 2 hrs
Time : IST 18:00
Fees : $ 10

In this episode of PMP Clinic the focus will be only on the kind of questions that show up on PMP Exams connected to Quantitative and Qualitative aspects of PMBOK and Agile Concepts. The PMP 2021 has developed their own focus areas on these topics and that is what we will cover during the guided presentation of the 50 rather tough PMP 2021 questions on Quantitative and Qualitative aspects.


  • Understanding of what kinds of quantitative topics are more popular
  • What to watch out for in qualitative analysis kind of questions
  • Guided answers for each of the 50 Questions
  • Explanation on why the other options are not the correct answers
  • 5 Minute short break
  • End of PMP Clinic – Tips & Tricks


  • Explanation such that it would be hard for you to forget
  • Focus on “Understanding” and not “Mugging Up”.
  • Complete and comprehensive coverage
  • Approach to answering PMP Questions explained
  • PMP Experts since 2007
  • 26,800 Certified through us

Join this PMP Clinic and experience what real “Mentoring” is all about.



Like it? Click on this link to register for this episode of PMP-Clinic

7.   009 - Risk Management Mastery (PMP 2021)
Date : 31 Jul 2021
Duration : 2 hrs
Time : IST 18:00
Fees : $ 10

This episode of PMP Clinic is focused entirely on the most important concepts and ITTOs of Risk Management. The topic of Risk and Risk Management is usually explained insufficiently by most resources on PMP, thus making it hard for the PMP Candidates to answer 15 to 18 questions in the exams that show up on this topic.If you have the slightest doubts on your mastery of this KA viz., Risk Management then spending 2 hrs on this episode of PMP Clinic would be your most important investment.


  • Overall Risk Management Process Explained
  • Some confusing areas of Risk Management explained
  • Most important ITTOs and Patterns Explained
  • POP Quiz on each of the concepts and ITTOs to enhance retention.
  • PMP Questions on these topics and how to approach them
  • End of PMP Clinic – Tips & Tricks and Ninja Notes



  • Explanation such that it would be hard for you to forget
  • Focus on “Understanding” and not “Mugging Up”.
  • Complete and comprehensive coverage
  • Approach to answering PMP Questions explained
  • PMP Experts since 2007
  • 26,800 Certified through us

Join this PMP Clinic and experience what real “Mentoring” is all about.


Like it? Click on this link to register for this episode of PMP-Clinic

8.   010 - 50 Guided Questions - Business Environment
Date : 01 Aug 2021
Duration : 2 hrs
Time : IST 18:00
Fees : $ 10

Business Environment is one of the 3 domains of PMP 2021. It covers 8% of all the questions that show up on PMP 2021 Exams. Each exams has 15 to 16 questions from this domain. Most candidates do not know that you have to clear this domain also to be able to clear the PMP Exams in total. Of late there have been a lot of candidates who could not do well in this domain and hence ended up not clearing PMP exams, even though they did well enough in other two domain. This domain is taken rather lightly by a lot of candidates. Most of the ATPs also do not seem to be covering this topic extensively the way it was supposed to be.

In this episode of PMP 2021 you will be guided through 50 of the most PMP 2021 Exams like questions from Business Environment Domain. Chances are that your PMP 2021 questions on this domain will be similar or same as the ones you get done in this episode.


  • Understanding of what kinds of questions show up on Business Environment
  • What to watch out for in scenario questions on this domain
  • The most popular topics for PMP 2021 vis-à-vis this domain
  • Guided answers for each of the 50 Questions
  • Explanation on why the other options are not the correct answers
  • 5 Minute short break
  • End of PMP Clinic – Tips & Tricks


  • Explanation such that it would be hard for you to forget
  • Focus on “Understanding” and not “Mugging Up”.
  • Complete and comprehensive coverage
  • Approach to answering PMP Questions explained
  • PMP Experts since 2007
  • 26,800 Certified through us

Join this PMP Clinic and experience what real “Mentoring” is all about.


Like it? Click on this link to register for this episode of PMP-Clinic

9.   011 - All Estimation & Prioritization of PMP 2021
Date : 08 Aug 2021
Duration : 2 hrs
Time : IST 18:00
Fees : $ 10

This episode of PMP Clinic is focused entirely on the most popular Estimation and Prioritization concepts (for Agile projects as well as for Predictive projects) that show up on PMP Exams. Rather tricky questions show up on these topics and for most candidates it becomes difficult to ascertain which kind of estimation technique is used in which methodology and so is the case with the prioritization concepts.

In this episode you will get to master these concepts in a way that they become a way of your thinking and ultimately be able to answer questions on these topics very easily.


  • Most exam popular Estimation concepts
  • Most exam popular Prioritization Concept
  • Most popular ITTOs connected to Estimates and prioritizations
  • Notes that help you ace any question in exams on these topics
  • Sample PMP Questions on these topics and how to approach them
  • End of PMP Clinic – Tips & Tricks and Ninja Notes



  • Explanation such that it would be hard for you to forget
  • Focus on “Understanding” and not “Mugging Up”.
  • Complete and comprehensive coverage
  • Approach to answering PMP Questions explained
  • PMP Experts since 2007
  • 26,800 Certified through us

Join this PMP Clinic and experience what real “Mentoring” is all about.


Like it? Click on this link to register for this episode of PMP-Clinic

10.   012 - 50 Guided Questions - Adaptive
Date : 15 Aug 2021
Duration : 2 hrs
Time : IST 18:00
Fees : $ 10

Nearly 40% of all PMP 2021 questions in the exams are on the Adaptive Methodology. Understanding how to attempt and ace questions on this topic is a must for acing the PMP Exams. In this episode we cover some of the trickiest and PMP 2021 like questions duly guided by me.

Joint this PMP Clinic to ensure that you understand all the kinds of questions that show up on exams on these topics and how to answer them.


  • Understanding of what kinds of questions show up on Adaptive lifecycles
  • What to watch out for in scenario questions on these topics
  • Guided answers for each of the 50 Questions
  • Explanation on why the other options are not the correct answers
  • 5 Minute short break
  • End of PMP Clinic – Tips & Tricks


  • Explanation such that it would be hard for you to forget
  • Focus on “Understanding” and not “Mugging Up”.
  • Complete and comprehensive coverage
  • Approach to answering PMP Questions explained
  • PMP Experts since 2007
  • 26,800 Certified through us

Join this PMP Clinic and experience what real “Mentoring” is all about.


Like it? Click on this link to register for this episode of PMP-Clinic
