
Thank you for showing interest in PM Ninja LiveWire. Most interactive PMP Training ever.
Based on the New PMP 2021 format
September 18, 19, 24, 25 and 26, 2021


A PMP Certification opens up doors to opportunities, career growth and confidence like no other certification. However like any other course it also depends on where you studied from.

PM-Pusle is a Global Project Management Consultant & Training Provider since 2006. and has trained over 65,000 professionals, pertaining to almost every domain / industry, in 16 countries spread over 3 continents. PM-Pulse Specializes in Project Management and has over 120 topics in Project Management alone.

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So What Do You Get In PM - Ninja LiveWire?

  1. 35 Contact hours of training based on flexible timings based on countries from where you join in.
  2. Trainer has 14 yrs of PMP Training and over 28 yrs of industry experience.
  3. Most interactive training (unlike those boring online lecture based trainings)
  4. PDF Book (hot selling on Amazon) – Ninja Notes
  5. Access to full PMP Audios (more comprehensive than any book)
  6. Access to Flash Cards to improve your speed
  7. Access to one of the best exams simulator in the Industry
  8. Individual hand-holding till they clear the exams
  9. Guidance on application process.
  10. Covering all aspects of the PMP ECO

How We Are Different From Other PMP Trainings?

  1. Training by real world Program and Project Management expert
  2. Focused on UNDERSTANDING instead of mugging up.
  3. Each concept explained in such a way that it helps long term retention.
  4. Unlike other live trainings, this is interactive and NOT AT ALL BORING
  5. We provide every possible material that you need to prepare for the exams. You do not have to buy anything from anywhere.
  6. You do not lose touch with the trainer once training is over. You would be in touch with him till you pass the exams.
  7. Trainer ensures that you are ready for moving on to the next stage of your preparation. This ensures that you appear once, prepare once and pass it in your very first attempt.
  8. The only training that provides access to “Comprehensive Audios” that help you save time by listening to these audios anytime and anywhere.
  9. No empty promises. We know what we are talking about. Near 100% passing rate.

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*Your data will only be used within PM-Pulse and will never be shared or shown to any third party

Hard Copy Testimonials…

1. Amazing Faculty, Fantastic Presentation and Superb Subject Coverage
By Vinayak Thorat, NIIT Technologies
2. Riviting training. Faculty explained the doubts in personalized manner taking examples from our domain and had time for all the different kinds of questions.
By Rajasekhar Guntuku, Vistas Wind Technology Ind Ltd.
3. Outstanding in presentation and knowledge of subject and by relating the processes to examples from US Navy, he made the entire course really practical and alive.
By Thomas Loscomb, US Naval Base, Manama, Bahrain


1. What is PMP?

PMP stands for Project Management Professional and it is a globally recognized certification that showcases the ability of an individual project professional on the subject of Project Management. Being a global certification it does not matter where you do it from, it is universally acceptable at the same level across the globe. This certification comes from the Project Management Institute (PMI) Usa which has been in existence since 1969.

2. What is the importance of this certification?

This is the foremost certification in the world of Project Management and is one of the top 10 professional certifications in the world. This certification is a benchmark level which is globally accepted for understanding and expertize in Project Management. Many companies do not let project professionals become Project Managers till they are PMP Certified. PMP certification places you at a better position to land the job or in career enhancements, for that matter. On achieving this coveted certification one can postfix the term “PMP” immediately after their names e.g., Maneesh Vijaya, PMP. This certification also allows a project manager to become industry agnostic and may find placements outside their industry of experience.

3. Why is PMP Certification Important for me?

The PMP Certification is not important for all of you. Its important only if you wish to make a carrier in Project Management and need to prove your expertize to propel yourself and your career to the next level. PMP being a seriously professional and practical certification one needs to have spent some time working in projects before they can become eligible to appear for the PMP certification. Please note that if you are in Operational work than this certification is not meant for you. A lot of people come to me thinking that PMP is a certification that is being done by many of their friends therefore they should do it too. On going through their background and their career path and aspirations if I come to realize that they are going to be in operations then I simply advise them NOT to take it up. I know this would surprise a lot of you. At PM-Pulse we simply do not put “Financial Gains” over Ethics and some ones career. Putting it simply, if you are in any domain or industry and spend more than 50% of your time in Projects or project related work and you wish to make a career out of project management and have about 3 plus years of experience in project related work ….well than this PMP certification is important for you…… very important for you.

4. What are the topics covered in PMP?

PMP is entirely based on the project management guide published by PMI, viz., PMBOK Guide. This PMBOK (Project Management Body Of Knowledge) contains everything that is needed to be an efficient and effective project manager. PMBOK has divided the entire project management knowledge into 10 chapters. These chapters are called Knowledge Areas. The entire PMP exams is based on these 10 Knowledge Areas from PMBOK Guide.

5. What is the process of PMP Certification?

PMI has appointed Registered Education Providers (REP’s) across the globe. PM-Pulse is a Global REP of PMI USA. The process is to attend a training from a REP of PMI and that training should be for 35 contact hours. Once you have undergone this training, PM-Pulse (REP) will grant you the 35 Hours certificate. Once you have this certificate you would need to file an application in (official website of PMI, USA). PMI usually takes a maximum of 1 week to validate your application and give you the approval for the same. Once you get the approval you would be required to pay a sum or USD 555.00 for the exams. (There is a way to save a small amount from this fees, but that is explained during the PM Ninja Training). After paying the exams fees you will be provided with a link for “”. Not all the sites of Prometric allow for PMP exams. There a few secure centres of Prometric where exams are held. Choose your closest centre and fix the available date and time for the exams. Now prepare for the exams, going through the remarkable PM Ninja notes and exams simulators and flash-cards and on the day of the exams just go and give the exams. You will know that you have passed the exams, immediately after the exams.

6. Are there any eligibility requirements for PMP?

PMP certification, being a seriously professional and global certification its important that only the genuine project related professionals attempt this exams. To ensure that, PMI has laid down the following eligibility guidelines for PMP.

One, PMI wants to ensure that you are well versed with the Project Management Best Practices as shown in PMBOK. For this it wants to know if you have been trained by a Registered Education Provider of PMI, like PM-Pulse. This training should provide you with a minimum of 35 contact hours of training. That becomes your first eligibility which is 35 hrs of contact PMP training by a REP.

Two; Since this is a rather practical professional certification, PMI also wants that the candidates have had some experience in Project related work. And hence PMI requires that you should have had a minimum of 4,500 hrs of project related experience provided you are a graduate. In case if you are not a graduate, all is not lost, you just need to show 7,500 yrs of project related experience.

A lot of people seem to get worried when they look at the experience of 4,500 or 7,500 hrs requirement. They think that this means that they should have had an experience of 4,500 hrs or lets say 3+ yrs of experience as a “Project Manager”. But that is a needless worry. All you need is a 4,500 hours of Project Related experience. Simply put, you should have had experience in Project work irrespective of the role you played in it.

7. How long is the PMP certification valid?

Once certified your PMP certification is valid for life. You just have to renew it every 3 yrs. If you keep renewing your certification you would be able to enjoy this title for your entire life.

8. Does one have to retake the exams for renewing the PMP certifications?

No! Renewal of the certification is not done through retaking the PMP exams. For renewing your PMP status you have to visit the site and fill in a form that proves that you are still working in the project world and that you are associated to this profession. Once you are done you would be required to pay a very basic PMP renewal fees and that’s it. You are done. Your PMP certification would be renewed for another 3 yrs. The only time you would have to retake the exams is if you do not renew your PMP and even the grace period provided by PMI for the same has lapsed. Hardly anyone is ever this negligent and I am sure, neither are you.

9. I have heard that the PMP Application process is very difficult. Is that true?

See here is the thing. PMP is one of the most sought-after certification in the World. And unfortunately there are cases where candidates try to “Massage” their experience. PMI is rather aware of this and hence they have made the application process reasonably exhaustive so that only the genuine candidates find their way through it.

Simply put, if you have the eligibility as stated by PMI, you have nothing to worry about. Besides you would understand the application process much better after the training as its connected with Process Groups and hence no matter how much I try to explain at this moment, it may not make much sense to you and I would end up making you a lot more anxious about it than you are already.

PMP application process is not tough, exhaustive yes, tough? No! Becomes a cake wal after our PMP training.

10. Is this certification only for the IT Sector?

Over the last 5 yrs or so I have been getting this question a lot. For some reason a lot of people are under the impression that this certification is specifically for IT Industry.

This is not true. PMP certification is for each and every domain or industry or vertical where Projects are done. Is as simple as that. From Shipping to Space Exploration from Aviation to Construction, from Manufacturing to Telecom , from Information technology to Oil and gas, from Defence to service consulting and just about everything else in between.

I guess since IT being one of the sectors that is growing globally and that they too have a lot of projects and hence requires a lot of Project Managers. This means that most of the time you would see more of IT Sector than other sector professionals undertaking these certifications. But that’s all to it. PMP certification is for all vertical and domain and industries where projects are undertaken.

11. I am told that PMBOK changes so how does that affect the PMP status?

Yes! You are right, PMBOK undergoes a revision every 4 yrs. Some times there are drastic changes and some times there are minor changes. However this does not affect your PMP certification status. This is the reason why you would have to show your involvement in Project Management every 3 yrs by earning 60 Pdus. This way PMI ensures that you are in touch with the new developments in PMBOK and are up to date.

12. What is so special about PM Ninja?

Let us start with a simple analogy.

Let us say you wish to go out for dinner with your family or friends. And you wish to have spicy Mexican food. Now you have various options. You could go for one of the cheapest one around the corner available on a street side stall or you could go to the most expensive Michelin rated 7 star deluxe restaurant. These are the two extremes. You would be lucky if you do not get food poisoning on the street side stall and for sure you might get ripped off at that 7 star deluxe restaurant. You would got to a rather well placed genuine restaurant where critics have actually commented on the quality of food and the style of presentation. How everything in that restaurant is hygienic and well maintained.

Now imagine you think so much for a single dinner and take qualitative decision but when it comes to your career you think as if you were buying a soap. Actually even soap you do not buy like this. You actually go for the slightly more expensive one as you do not want your skin to be sandpapered by the cheap soap.

Agree that the content is more or less standard for PMP but how its presented and how you are supported and how you are shown the journey of Project Management makes ALL the difference. The Project Management Ninja is taught with practical relevance. We know that the real challenge is not passing the exams, for PM-Pulse students ..passing exams is just a side effect, but the real challenge is applying these powerful best practices in the real world. Now just imagine how cheap trainings are done. In order to make some profits from these cheap trainings…. about 50 to 60 participants would be crammed into one conference room. The Trainer would probably not have any real industry experience. You would probably only be taught how to pass the exams. At the end you would be handed a book from some famous author which only discusses how to pass the exams. You would not be able to ask even one single question during the session. Or even if you are able ask a question …you may not be able to get a suitable answer. At the end of the training you get a “help Desk” no or email to get in touch if you need any help….. but when you do call do not get any real personalized help. You are completely left on your own to pass or ….in such cases …mostly FAIL the exams. Not only this… let us say you somehow passed the exams. Your troubles start from there. Now you are one among so many PMP passouts who have no clue how to actually execute a “Real project”. So you are now just a PMP for the sake of name.

Now at PM-Pulse we are all passionate about project management. We are literally the pulse of project Management. We never allow more than 25 persons per batch. This ensures that the same 4 days or 5 days become more intensive and personalized for each of you. Each and every question from each and every participant and from just about any domain are answered and you begin to truly unravel the wonders of practical project management. You are taught in a way that does not need for you to keep studying for exams and cramming up things. You are taught in a way that you understand the depth of these concepts and what benefit it brings to projects. You Learn and Understand and Absorb. You interact you explore and you question and you discuss when you are in PM-Pulse session.

And after the PMP training you get the direct phone no. and email Id of the very facilitator who trained you and that trainer would hand hold you till you pass the exams and even after that. Many of our candidates even contact us for their real world project management issues and we do guide them … without charge offcourse…. As I said at PM-Pulse Project Management is our passion first and business later.

Remember this the course name is Project Management Ninja …which makes you a Ninja in Project Management way before you become a certified PMP.

13. What is the PM-Pulse unique speciality?

You do realize that we have nearly 99% of passing rate and that is because we have created a 5 step standard and reliable process for the PMP exams. Let me take you through the 5 steps and that should give you confidence as to how beautifully we have sculpted the course for you.

Step – 1: You need the 35 contact hours to apply for the exams. You get that from our signature PMP training called the Project Management Ninja where you are introduced to the Real and Practical world of Project Management.

Step – 2: At the end of the training you are given PM-Pulse own study material titled “Read and Pass Notes”. These are detailed notes for each of the Knowledge area of the PMBOK Guide. These notes give you the “Knowledge” that you need to pass the exams. Not only this… since we know that most of the working professionals have to commute for long distances we have created a very nice set of Complete Audio lectures called PM-Dhwani, which contains the entire PMP course in the form of audio files. You would be given access to this site or the Android app if you have and android capable phone. And you could use your travel time and free and idle time to listen to our audios and keep preparing.

Step –3: Now that you have to Knowledge you need to test your knowledge. So in this step you are provided an online link for our exams simulation site called A2zpm where you are tested on each of the Knowledge areas. This shows you your improvement areas and gives a detailed analysis of your preparation readiness. This acts like a Toll gate to the next level.

Step – 4: Once you are done with Step 3 and have the knowledge to give the exams, you now need to develop speed to access relevant knowledge at the shortest possible time. Remember you get 200 questions to be completed in just 4 hrs …which means you get just about 72 seconds or one minute and 12 seconds per question. Some of these questions are long and hence just having knowledge is not good enough you also need speed to access the right knowledge element at the right time…instantaneously. Hence in this step we prepare you with PM-Pulse signature “Flash Cards”. This a link provided to you where all the most often repeated questions and topics are shown as flash cards to help you generate speed and accuracy in you.

Step – 5: And once you have the Knowledge and the Speed than the only thing left is for you to develop Stamina. You need to learn to sit for 4 hrs non stop answering questions in a speedy manner and also answering them correctly. This is where you would be provided the A2zpm exams simulation link with 1200 questions in 6 sets of 200 questions each. Each set of 200 question is like the real exams. There is no pause button when you get started. You would have to sit for the necessary no. of hours in one sitting to answer all the 200 questions and than check how you have done. Our exams simulator gives a detailed analysis of improvement areas so that you can have targeted revision. At PM-Pulse we do not want you to find out in real exams what it is like to sit for 4 hrs non stop answering 200 questions. This practice also prepares you to have your own exams handling strategy and also you become super confident on the day of the exams.

This is our scientific and structured as well as well proven 5 steps process for the PMP exams. And you can see throughout the 5 step process each of the candidates are hand held till the pass the exams.

14. Is PM-Pulse an ATP of PMI??

After a lot of thinking and understanding the entire course of PMP we have decided NOT to continue as ATP of PMI. We applied for refund of ATP fees in February beginning 2021. This would actually help the PMP Candidates like you. Let me explain.

PMI has not only changed the format of PMP Exams they have also changed the way the training would be provided. PMI has got a PMP content created by a third party which contains the slides as well as some guides and videos for preparing for the PMP Exams. These slides and content seriously lack quality substance and they are at variance with the PMBOK guide at hundreds of places. The ATPs are bound by contract to only use this content for PMP training. Even the sequence in which this training is done is confusing the PMP Candidates. Not only that PMI is also asking for a "Per Participant Fees" for this content. This is the reason why ATPs are now charging tremendous amount of fees from the PMP Candidates. We decided not to continue with ATP which allows us to make our own training material, charge lower prices, present the entire training in a logical sequence and provide better support to the participants. Our 35 contact hrs CERTIFICATE IS VALID.

For a better understanding of the Major Issues with the new PMP content provided by PMI watch this video.

15. If PM-Pulse is not an ATP then what happens to Contact Hours and PDU's?

PMI has allowed training institutes of repute and standing, like PM-Pulse, to provide the PMP Training (as long as the entire ECO is covered) and our 35 Contact Hours Certificate as well as the PDUs are eligible to be claimed in PMI Site.

16. Why does PM-Pulse not give any guarantee like other training institutes?

I am aware of this unethical practices that are being undertaken by unscrupulous organizations. But since you may still be wondering let me explain a bit about this. Ask yourself are they really guaranteeing your passing or is this just a simple statistical exercise. When many of you get attracted to this guarantee they get a sizeable no. of people in the class on a regular basis. Their quality being what it is, say 40% or more would fail. Of which very few would actually claim the guarantee. Now the guarantee is “Return Of your Training fees” and that was as it is very cheap. So they know that about 10% of the people would actually claim the training fees back despite failing and they are ok with this. What you need to ask yourself what guarantee would wipe away the “Feeling of Failing”, what guarantee would roll back the level of motivation you would lose once you fail, what guarantee would replace the confidence in your peers once you fail the exams. You truly need to ask yourself what guarantee you are really getting.

17. What are the deliverables you give for the PM Ninja session?

We have a 5 steps process that you might have already listened to. Any way here are the deliverables that you get from our Signature PMP training called Project Management Ninja.

  • 1. Practical Project management training and therefor the 35 contact hours to become eligible for the pmp exams
  • 2. Read and pass notes that give you every possible thing on PMBOK guide in very simple and interesting form.
  • 3. Links to Audio site where all the PMP audio lectures have been recorded to help you use your idle time judiciously
  • 4. Links to our A2Zpm exams simulation site for checking your knowledge against Knowledge area wise questions with analysis of your performance.
  • 5. Links to the Flash Cards for helping you build speed of answering questions .
  • 6. Special notes on all the Quantitative questions and formulae that usually show up in exams.
  • 7. Guidance on filling honest and properly detailed exams application……. And
  • 8. A2Zpm simulation exams link for 1200 questions divided into 6 sets of 200 questions each to help you simulate the exams like rigour before the exams so that you are confident and well prepared during the real exams.

Every bit of material is prepared in house. We take full responsibility of our content and deliverables.

18. How much time is needed after training to clear the exams?

If you are able to devote about 1 hr to 1.5 hrs daily without a break for preparing for the PMP Exams and also if you are following the preparation structure prepared by PM-Pulse, it should take you between 25 days to 30 days to be completely ready for the exams.

19. I am not a project manager, can I take up this certification?

This is a misconception that only persons who are appointed as Project Managers can qualify for this course. Anyone who has over 3 yrs of experience (4,500 hrs) connected to project work (in any capacity or role) is eligible for this training and also the pmp exams.

20. Who cannot / should not attend this training?

Anyone who is not connected in any way to project work and only work in operational work should not attend this training as they would not be eligible to give the exams.

Anyone who is connected to projects but have not worked for 3 yrs (4,500 hrs) should wait for more time to accumulate the qualifying hours before attending this training as they too would not qualify for the exams till their experience matches the qualifying hours.

21. Why are more professionals opting for PMP Certification?

PMP is the de-facto certification for Project Professionals globally. One of the best ways to showcase your abilities is to get certified. PMP is globally recognizable and have the same value no matter where you clear the same from. Clients get a lot of confidence in the project team that is run by PMP certified managers.

One of the biggest factors affecting the demand for PMP certified professionals is because globally the business is shifting from Operations orientation to Project orientation. This means there is immense demand for Project Managers and hence the demand for PMP Certification to help rise above the rest of the managers.

22. What other trainings does PM-Pulse offer?

PM-Pulse is the pulse of project management. It offers over 120 different engagements only on Project Management. Our focus is only project management and then everything in project management. It is recommended that you visit the training section of our site and see for yourself the immense wealth of trainings that we offer.